Grieving While Estranged

Jules R. Simion
12 min readMar 23, 2019
My father in the grey suit, yours truly in the middle, my mother in the sassy red blazer, with our godson and his wonderful mother. I think I was nine or ten here, judging by the terrible haircut.

My father was a good man, though he had many faults. I’m probably describing 90% of the world’s population, but it’s the first line that comes to mind when I think about him. He was at least partially responsible for the person that I am today, and, for that, I will always be grateful. I will always thank him for the good, the bad and the horrible.



Jules R. Simion

Writer, Screenwriter, Artist, Genuine Nerd, Sci-Fi Gobbler, Science & Design Lover, Blunt Humanist, Adorable Idiot.